To be Frank…

Dr. Skilling retires after forty-five years in ophthalmology There aren’t enough words to describe Dr. Francis Skilling’s forty-five-year tenure in the medical field. After forty-two years at Eye Associates of Tallahassee and serving thousands of patients, Dr. Skilling’s retirement is bittersweet to many. He has been a leader in the North Florida medical community, and… Read More
Don’t Forget Your Child’s Back To School Eye Exam

August is a busy time of the year for most parents as they scramble to get everything together in time to send their kids back to school. Haircuts, fall clothes, new backpacks, and school supplies are probably just a few of the things on your to-do list right now. There is one item that is… Read More
5 Tips to Protect Your Child’s Eyes This Summer

Did you know that 80 percent of your child’s learning will be done with their eyes? Good vision is required to read, write, and use an iPad and other classroom materials. Without good vision, children can struggle with even the most basic tasks and fall behind. Summer means a break from school but you still… Read More
5 Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Children

Kids need many tools to help them succeed in school but the most important tools that will help determine their success is clear vision. Up to 80 percent of your child’s learning will be done with their eyes, so if their vision is not functioning properly, their performance in school and extracurricular activities will suffer…. Read More
How Do Babies Have Their Eyes Tested?

Some people don’t have their first eye exam until adulthood. Others started getting their eyes checked before they started school. The latter is the way to go: pediatric eye care is something parents should care about as much as getting their kids into a good school or making sure they get their shots. Taking your children to… Read More
Dr. Weaver & Team Complete 3rd Mission Trip to Peru

At Eye Associates of Tallahassee, we love to give back to those in need. Our doctors and staff feel lucky to have access to some of the most advanced technology in the world – and for the third year in a row, we’ve flown our skill overseas to provide eye care for those who need… Read More
How To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome In Your Children

The more demands there are on a young person’s eyes, the more variables parents have to factor in when considering their child’s pediatric eye care. Once upon a time, the biggest issue was ensuring children did not spend too much time sitting in front of the television. Nowadays, so many areas of a young person’s life requires… Read More